Our Work in Action


Case Study: Strategic Planning


Creating a shared view of the future for a changing team

Multinational Pharma Company — Account Management + Sales Team

the Client NEed

With a new leader, the team was facing larger territories, increased responsibility, team turnover and a need for true account management within a more complex marketplace, the team needed a new strategy and full team alignment on what the future looked like.

Our Solution

Through our strategy offering, the Strategic Blueprint Process, the team emerged with a new strategy; a clear sense of their direction and the role each functional team played; a new team name to better reflect their mission; and a brand identity to help share their story. 

In-Person Session: Outside-In Analysis, Mission + Vision

  • 4-hour session incorporated into a Leadership Offsite

  • Created the space for critical strategic discussions and alignment across LT

Virtual Sessions: Long Term Goals + Team Values

  • Two 90-min virtual sessions held 2 weeks apart

  • Synthesized team per-work grounded conversations in the team’s collective POV

Rollout: Creative Process, Launch + Pull-Through

  • The new strategy was brought to life through a proprietary brand identity

  • Each LT member introduce the new strategy to their functional team and discussed how it applies to their work through the functional deep dive deck.

  • We developed 3 new team-wide awards aligned to the team’s strategy and brand

client feedback

I've done so many of these Mission/Vision sessions in my professional career over the years but I've never seen such a strong output at the end of a session! The process is super tight and efficient and the team really has a way of guiding us to truly meaningful final statements that ground and guide us. This was really good!


Case Study: Team Building


Supporting a L&D team into their new future

Multinational Pharma Company — Commercial Learning & Development Team

the Client NEed

Historically an L&D industry leader, this team was facing massive changes to their structure, in addition to the fast-changing L&D landscape due to pandemic shifts.

In discovery, we heard excitement but uncertainty about the future, a longing for togetherness, and a strong need for recognition.

Our Solution

We designed an in-person 4-hour experience called “This is Our Moment,” grounded in honoring the past, centering in the present, and creating a vision for the future. The experience focused on recognizing the team’s resilience, developing storytelling skills through action, and identifying key moments in the team’s future

Part One: Meaningful Moments

  • Video vignettes from Leadership acknowledging the team’s resilience

  • Participants identify and connect on their own meaningful moments 

Part Two: Learning Moments

  • Present the neuroscience of storytelling in L&D spaces

  • Participants apply learning to a current role-specific project

Part Three: This is Our Moment

  • Provide POV on the team’s unique and exciting position for impact

  • Guided exercise to envision the crucial moments in the upcoming year  

participant feedback was overwhelming positive

"This was amazingly energizing and really what I have been looking for over the past few months!"

“Loved it!” “Worthwhile” “Let’s keep it going!”