Create the Space 003 is minted and officially open to the public!

The first 10 people to sign up will receive this FREE exclusive NFT artwork (transferred to your digital wallet) in addition to access to Thoughtium services and experiences.

(must have a digital wallet for transfer of NFT)


The Thoughtium NFT Collection is a truly unique combination of community building as well as NFT tokens that hold lifetime value, including:


Two 1-hr coaching sessions on personal, professional, and business development

Receive exclusive Thoughtium Create The Space swag drops throughout the year

Early and discounted access to Thoughtium workshops and experiences



Why the theme Parousia?

Parousia (par·ou·si·a) (Greek for "Presence") challenges us as leaders to find moments to arrive fully for our community and teammates. As rapidly as the world and our marketplace continues to change around us, we have an opportunity as leaders to find an aspect of presence in our work. Presence can lead to deeper relationships with our people as well as unlock new layers of creativity in our practitionership.

Previous “Create the Space” NFT Projects



Want to own this NFT?

All Thoughtium NFT tokens are free, but limited! Fill out this interest form and we will be in touch about transferring you the Create The Space 003 NFT!

(Must have a digital wallet for transfer of NFT)