I champion leadership development and personal empowerment that fuels collective transformation.
Lidiann López Hoots - Senior Consultant
Lidiann sees herself as an alchemist of profound personal and organizational transformation. With a decade of experience in people, culture, and change management, she believes that the journey to organizational growth starts with elevating individual leaders.
Lidiann has supported nonprofit, global, and rapidly growing organizations, passionately advocating for transparent cultures and equity-centered growth strategies that empower every individual to thrive. At her core, Lidiann is driven by her deeply held belief in the inherent worthiness of humanity.
Experience and Education:
MS in Leadership, HR Management Concentration, Northeastern University
BA in Organizational Communication, Latin American Studies Minor, Assumption University
Certified Professional Coach, Coaching Evolved
Certified Breathwork Facilitator, InnerCamp
Certificate in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, The Embody Lab
Certificate in Health and Wellbeing, PreKure