Unlocking the Power of Self Discipline

Exploring how self-discipline can be a catalyst for personal success

By Naomi Jaramillo, Thoughtium Summer Intern
Published August 2023


Have you ever seen an entrepreneur, a high-performing athlete, an esteemed artist, or another highly successful person and thought that they were inherently different from you? If that is the case, you’re not alone. Most people perceive highly successful individuals as destined for greatness and nothing less. But the truth is that anyone, including you, can become highly successful. Success means something different for every person, but achieving it comes down to the same formula; self-discipline, mindset, determination, opportunities, network, and support. If these components seem overwhelming and you don’t know where to begin, don’t worry; you only need to focus on one thing: self-discipline. Self-discipline is the catalyst that will trigger the success you want in your personal and professional life.

Now you are probably wondering, what does it actually mean to be self-disciplined? Let me start by differentiating discipline and self-discipline. These are related concepts, but they have different meanings. Discipline refers to people adhering to external rules, guidelines, and regulations; think of military personnel or professional athletes. On the other hand, self-discipline is an internal trait that involves individuals’ ability to regulate their behaviors, emotions, thoughts, and impulses. Self-discipline relies on introspection, personal responsibility, ownership, and consistency, and the most reassuring fact is that it can be learned and developed. Yes, you read that right. Self-discipline is not a superpower. Think of it more like a muscle. The more you exercise it and the more reps you get, the stronger it becomes.

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So, what makes the most self-disciplined individuals different from the rest? A self-disciplined individual has a deep understanding of their core identity. Have you ever heard the phrase, “We are our own worst enemies”? The idea that the significant challenges and limitations we face in life are self-created is accurate. That is why you need to understand who you truly are at your essence. Yet, to deeply understand your core identity is not an easy task. Self-awareness involves vulnerability and exploring your thoughts, motivations, behaviors, emotions, and traumas. It means recognizing your strengths, weaknesses, values, stress triggers, and preferences. When facing challenges consider, what are your deepest fears and how do they affect your everyday life? In what areas of your life are you stuck, and what is holding you back? Do you understand the root causes of your emotional reactions and triggers? Being self-aware is a powerful start; it helps you gain insight into the origin of your emotional, behavioral, and cognitive patterns.

Once you have a deeper understanding of your identity, the next step is to practice radical ownership of your life. This means taking responsibility for your mistakes, failures, and limitations and acknowledging your strengths and successes. Taking ownership of your actions and being honest with yourself will allow you to grow on a personal level and learn from your mistakes. By holding yourself accountable, you are recognizing that you are in control and you have the power to change your life. This mentality shift will help you reduce the tendency to blame external factors for your actions and focus on finding solutions and identifying small, realistic changes you can make.


A Leader’s Toolkit

The Self-Discipline Toolkit includes specific practices and tools to support you on your self-discipline journey. It’s focused on helping you identify small, realistic changes to take action on.


Developing self-discipline is essential for your personal growth, but it also helps you build strong relationships with others. Having self-discipline means that you are aware of the power of consistency and repetition. This awareness will allow you to cultivate habits that align with your goals, which eventually become automatic through repetition. This automation guarantees progress even when your emotions or mental states fluctuate. Self-disciplined individuals earn the trust and respect of their colleagues, becoming reliable team members and influential leaders within any organization.

We understand self-discipline is essential, but how do we make these changes permanent? As James Clear stated in his book “Atomic Habits,” the key to a successful transformation is a change of identity rather than trying to modify habits. Picture in your mind the kind of person you wish to become, to the smallest detail. Maybe you wish to become a successful business person, an influential leader, or a loving parent. Now, ask yourself, what habits does that person have? What values does that person hold? How does that person react to adversity? What coping mechanisms does that person use? What is essential in their personal and professional life? The clearer your vision, the easier it will be to identify and embody the habits and values that will shape you into the person you aspire to be. If after this exercise you feel you have a lot of work to do and feel overwhelmed, that’s a common response. It’s crucial to focus on simplicity, steadiness, and repetition. Significant transformations begin with small steps.


If there is one thing I would like you to take with you after reading this article, it is the realization that, no matter who you are, your age, or your current challenges, you are in control. You have the power to change your life, achieve your definition of success, and reach your highest potential. Understand who you are at your core, set a clear and detailed vision of what you want to become, and let self-discipline serve as the catalyst for your success. Remember to value simplicity and appreciate the power of consistency.


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